
Basic Shoulder Rehabilitation3


Shoulder Abduction (Dumbbell and/or Theraband)
1. Stand holding a 1lb to 5lb dumbbell at your side as shown (fig. 1).(如圖 1 ,站立及手持 1 至 5 磅啞鈴)
2. Raise arm up to your side within pain range; stop at 90 degrees as shown (fig. 2).(提手至 90 度,如圖 2 )
3. Repeat exercises for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.(每次做 3 組,每組運動重複 10 至 15 次)
4. A theraband may also be used as shown for the same exercise (fig. 3).(另可用彈性帶做同一運動,如圖 3 )

Fig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 3
        Start                               End                                             Theraband



Shoulder Extension (Dumbbell and Theraband)
1. Stand holding 1lb to 5lb dumbbell in hand as shown (Fig. 1).(如圖 1 ,站立及手持  1 至 5 磅啞鈴)
2. Extend arm backwards as shown (Fig. 2).(向後提手,如圖 2 )
3. Complete the same exercise using Theraband as shown in Fig. 3 & 4.(另可用彈性帶做同一運動,如圖 3 , 4 )
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
           Start                                                    End
Fig. 3 Fig 4
