
Basic Shoulder Rehabilitation1


Codman's Exercise
1.  Assume the position as shown, letting the injured arm hang relaxed.(依圖姿勢,把受傷的手臂放鬆下垂.)
2.  Away your body back and forth to start a pendulum action of the arm. Do not let your arm tense up.(手臂作前後如鐘擺的動作,及應避免手臂肌肉緊張)
3.  Repeat, with the arm moving side to side.(重複運動作左右擺動)
4.  Repeat, with the arm moving counterclockwise and clockwise.(重複運動作順時鐘方向及逆時鐘方向擺動)
5.  Repeat each motion for one minute.(每組動作做一分鐘)



Horizontal Abduction Shoulder Stretch
1.  Assume the position shown by bringing the injured shoulder across the front of the body.(依圖姿勢,把受傷的手臂拉過身前.)
2.  Use the opposite hand to grab the elbow and pull injured arm across the body until you feel a stretch in shoulder.(用另一隻手抓住受傷的手肘,拉往身體另一面直至肩膀感到拉緊.)
3.  Hold stretch for 10 second.(維持拉緊狀態 10 秒鐘)
4.  Repeat for 1 set of 10-15 reps.(每次運動重複 10 至 15 次)




Apley's Stretch (internal rotation/abduction)
1. Stand with a towel as shown, with injured arm/shoulder behind back.(站立,拿住毛巾於背後如圖示)
2. Stretch the arm up behind your back by pulling upward on the towel with the other hand for assistance.(用上面的手把受傷的手往上拉)
3. Hold for 10 seconds.(拉緊姿態維持 10 秒)
4. Repeat stretch for 1 set of 10-15 reps.(每次運動重複 10 至 15 次)

