
Basic Shoulder Rehabilitation8


Prone Protraction
1. Lie on table or floor holding a dumbbell in involved hand.(仰臥, 受傷的手持啞鈴)
2. Extend arm up towards ceiling as shown (Fig. 1).(舉手向天, 如圖 1 )
3. Push up towards the ceilings as your shoulder comes off the table or floor.(把手推向天, 直至肩膀離地)
4. Hold for 3-5 seconds and then return to starting position.(保持姿勢 3 至 5 秒,然後返回開始姿勢)
5. Complete for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.(每次做 3 組,每組運動重複 10 至  15 次)

Fig. 1





Standing Dumbbell Retraction
1. Lean forward using uninvolved hand to balance yourself.(向前俯, 並用另一隻手平衡身體)
2. Hold a dumbbell in involved hand as shown (Fig. 1).(手持啞鈴, 如圖 1 )
3. Raise (shrug) shoulder towards ceiling as shown (Fig. 2).(把肩膀向天提起, 如圖 2 )
4. Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat. (保持姿勢 3 至 5 秒,然後返回開始姿勢)
5. Complete for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.(每次做 3 組,每組運動重複 10 至  15 次)
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
          Start                                                End




Shrugs (Dumbbell and Theraband)
1. Stand holding equal dumbbells in each hand as shown (Fig. 1).(雙手持同重量的啞鈴, 如圖 1 )
2. Shrugs your shoulders up towards your ears and roll back on the way down.(把肩膀由前面轉上, 從後轉落)
3. Do not rush the motion and be sure to roll back on the way down.(避免急速轉動, 並緊記從後轉落)
4. Complete exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.(每次做 3 組,每組運動重複 10 至  15 次)
5. Therabands can be used for the same exercise.(另可用彈性帶做同一運動,如圖 3 示)
6. Stand on one long Theraband, holding the ends in each hand (Fig. 3).(用腳踏實彈性帶, 雙手把持彈性帶的兩端, 如圖 3 )
7. Follow same directions above. (按上述指示運動)

Fig. 1Fig. 2 Fig. 3
        Start                                        End                                           Theraband

