膝部復康運動 2

Basic Knee Protocol 2


Gastroc  and Soleus Stretch
1. Position your body against a wall as shown with one foot behind.(如圖把身向牆,一腿向後)
2. Point toes directly toward wall and hold heel down.(腳尖向前,腳跟壓向下)
3. Lean into the wall as shown so that you feel a stretch.(身傾向牆,直至感到拉緊)
4. Try this stretch with the knee straight (Gastroc/calf stretch) and then with the knee bent (Soleus) stretch.(把膝部伸直做這運動後,把膝部屈曲重複同一動作)
5. Hold stretch for 10 seconds. (維持拉緊狀態 10 秒鐘)
6. Repeat stretch for a set of 10. (重複動作 10 次)

GASTROC Stretch SOLEUS Stretch



TKEs (Terminal Knee Extensions)
1. Lie on your back with a 4"-6" towel roll under your knee as shown.(如圖躺臥,於膝部下放一4至6寸高的毛巾)
2. Place a ankle weight on your ankle. (between 1-5 lbs)(放置重物(1至5磅)於足踝上)
3. Contract your Quadriceps (thigh muscle) and then raise your heel off surface until knee is completely extended as shown.(收緊大腿肌肉,並慢慢把腳跟提起,直到腿部伸直)
4. Hold in extension for 5 seconds and then slowly lower.(維持5秒,然後慢慢放低)
5. Repeat this exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.(每次做 3 組,每組運動重複 10 至  15 次)




SLR (Straight Leg Raise)
1. Lie on back with injured leg straight and other leg bent as shown.
2. Place a small ankle weight around ankle (1/2 - 4 lbs).(放置重物(半磅至4磅)於足踝上)
3. Keep the leg completely straight, contract quad (thigh muscle), then slowly raise it so that it is even with the bent leg (as shown).(保持腿部筆直,收緊大腿肌肉,並慢慢提起腿部)
4. Then slowly lower the leg to the table/floor.(慢慢放低)
5. Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.(每次做 3 組,每組運動重複 10 至  15 次)





SLR (Straight Leg Raise) Abduction
1. Place a ankle cuff around ankle (1/2-4 lbs).(放置重物(半磅至4磅)於足踝上)
2. Lie on non-injuried side.(往沒有受傷的一邊躺下來)
3. Contract quad (thigh muscle) of top leg  and slowly raise leg straight up (as shown) without letting it come forward. Stay in line with body.(收緊大腿肌肉,並慢慢提起腿部)
4. Slowly lower leg to table/floor.(慢慢放低)
5. Repeat exercise for 3 sets of 10-15 reps.(每次做 3 組,每組運動重複 10 至  15 次)


